Computer Science, asked by singhdigvijay788, 3 months ago

1. Write short notes on the importance of ‘Multiple Applications of Files' in MS Word.
Finally, save the information with a suitable file name along with its extension.​


Answered by sameershaikck46


Hlo how r u have a great day

Answered by roopa2000


To open a File Manager window, click Browse. Simply hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the necessary documents to open more than one additional document. Return to the View Ribbon after the new documents have appeared.


The word processing application Microsoft Word was developed by Microsoft in 1983. It is the word processing programme that is used the most frequently. In addition to being used to produce papers of a professional calibre, it may also be used to edit or change already-existing documents. The saved Word document has a.docx extension. Although it is a component of the Microsoft Office package, it may be purchased independently for Windows and macOS. The most recent version is Microsoft Word 2019.

Discover tips for using Microsoft Word to manage, read, and access numerous documents. Microsoft Word provides several capabilities that might assist you if you ever need to see and work with many documents at once. Each document is simple to go back and forth between.

Microsoft Word:

  • Launched on October 25, 1983
  • ".doc" is the extension for Doc files.
  • It helps with text document creation.
  • With the aid of MS Word Work, templates may be built for professional usage. Text, graphics, and animations can all be included in a single file that can be downloaded as a document.
  • For composing and revising their works, authors can utilise

learn more about it

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