1.write the formation of H2 molecules...
2. write the formation of cl2 molecules.
3. write the formation of O2 molecules.
4. write the formation of N2 molecules.
Answer:1. The electronic configuration of hydrogen is 1. So, in Hydrogen molecules covalent bond takes place i.e each H atom share their electron inorder to attend stable electronic configuration.
H × + • H. = HוH = H2
Answer:2. The electronic configuration of Cl is 2,8,7. So, in Cl molecules also covalent bond takes place i.e each Cl atom share their electron inorder to attend stable electronic configuration.
Cl × + • Cl = ClוCl = Cl2
Answer:3. The electronic configuration of O is 2,6. So, in O2 molecules also covalent bond takes place i.e each O2 atom share two of their electrons inorder to attend stable electronic configuration.
O ×× + •• O = O×ו•O = O2
4. The electronic configuration of N is 2,5. So, in N molecules also covalent bond takes place i.e each N atom share three of their electrons inorder to attend stable electronic configuration.
N××× + •••N = N××ו••N = N2.