English, asked by Nikki57, 1 year ago

1. Write the name of the author of the book "Harry Potter" with some details.
2. How many books are published of Harry Potter? Name them.
3. Write the chapters of all the books serial wise.
4. How much hardwork the writer have done while writing the Book?



Answered by Annabelle1056

Here's your required answer:

One of the most famous fantasy series in the world is the 'Harry Potter' series written Joanne Kathleen Rowling (J.K.ROWLING). She is a British novelist and screenwriter. She was born on 31st July, 1965 (coincidentally or knowingly she and Harry both have their birthdays on 31st July) in Yate, Gloucestershire, England. She faced a lot of difficulties in her life. Things were not so easy for her.

I don't think Harry Potter needs any introduction of its own. Still if I were to say something, I would day that he, at the age of eleven realised that he was a wizard and had been accepted in the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. He had many adventures in his life. He had his two best friends, Ron and Hermione who constantly supported him. But along with that he had his biggest enemy Voldemort who killed his parents. All the books of this series portray the adventures he had while destroying him.

Till date there have been eight books published in the series. They are:

<> Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone

<> Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

<> Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban

<> Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

<> Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix

<> Harry Potter and the half blood prince

<> Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

<> Harry Potter and the cursed child

The main moto in each of the boon was to destroy voldemort and the horcruxes (knowingly or unknowingly) and free the magical world from his threatens. Harry was finally successful in the seventh book to kill voldemort..


Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone :

>The Boy Who Lived

>The Vanishing Glass

>The Letters from No One

>The Keeper of Keys

>Diagon Alley

>The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

>The Sorting Hat

>The Potions Master

>The Midnight Duel



>The Mirror of Erised

>Nicholas Flamel

>Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

>The Forbidden Forest

Through the Trapdoor

>The Man with Two Faces

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

>The Worst Birthday

>Dobby’s Warning

>The Burrow

>At Flourish and Blotts

>The Whomping Willow

>Gilderoy Lockhart

>Mudbloods and Murmurs

>The Deathday Party

>The Writing on the Wall

>The Rogue Bludger

>The Duelling Club

>The Polyjuice Potion

>The Very Secret Diary

>Cornelius Fudge


>The Chamber of Secrets

>The Heir of Slytherin

>Dobby’s reward

Hope this helps..!!

(answer continued)

Anonymous: Awesome jaan!
Annabelle1056: thank you ^_^ shati di
Nikki57: Superr se bi uprr RJ
Annabelle1056: thank you ^^ NJ
dainvincible1: awesome answer
Annabelle1056: thnq :D
duragpalsingh: Great ans! :D
Anonymous: great one !
Annabelle1056: thank you all!! ^^
Answered by priyanka571

(answer continued by @theindefectible.. Thanks to my friend's account ^^)

Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban

>Owl Post

>Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake

>The Knight Bus

>The Leaky Cauldron

>The Dementor

>Talons and Tea Leaves

>The Boggart in the Wardrobe

>Flight of the Fat Lady

>Grim Defeat

>The Marauder's Map

>The Firebolt

>The Patronus

>Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw

>Snape's Grudge

>The Quidditch Final

>Professor Trelawney's Prediction

>Cat, Rat, and Dog

>Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

>The Servant of the Dark Lord

>The Dementor’s Kiss

>Hermione’s Secret

>Owl Post Again

(continued with @theindefectible account)

Nikki57: Nice one ^^
Annabelle1056: Thank you NJ again ;)
dainvincible1: awesome answer
Annabelle1056: thank you behen @dainvincible1 and siddharth Bhaiya!! ^^
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