1. You are Mohan/ Radha, the head boy/girl of GVM School, Pune. Your school is organizing a tour to Goa. Write
out a notice inviting students who want to join the tour. Put the notice in the box.
G.V.M. School, Pune
April 01, 2020
A Tour to Goa
this is to give information that our school and inter state affair society are going to host a tour to Goa from June 12 to June 15 (three days tour). Interested candidates are informed to carry their personal luggage for this tour. The amount of this tour is Rs. 6000 per head so register yourself as soon as possible because the term would be applied "first come, first serve". Candidates have to carry their parents' signature, without signature there will be no allowed for this tour.
Head Boy
please mark my answer brainliest answer ❤️
thank you ❤️
G.V.M. School, Pune
1st June 2016
The school is organising a five-day tour to Goa as per details given below :
Classes – VI to X
Date of Departure : 20th June ;
Date of Arrival : 24th June
Interested students have to deposit 4000 each. 7th June is the last date for enrolment. The money and the consent of the parents must be given to the undersigned before that.
Head Boy