English, asked by ANHSUMAN, 8 months ago

1. You quarrelled with a close friend over something very trivial. You lost your temper
and shouted at her/him. For a while, she/he listened to you patiently but then shouted
back at you. Now you realise the wrong of it all and resolve to patch up with your
friend. Make a diary entry about the entire episode.


Answered by ayushkum937


Dear Diary

O God! I've done a disaster today, I cant understand how do I express it. I feel so angry at myself. So what happened was that, my friend Riya had done her homework and was ready with it in the class, I forgot to do my homework and asked her whether I can copy her homework, she said no, and I got mad at her and snatched away her notebook, but she took her copy back again, I always thought that she would help me no matter what happened. I started shouting at her that " I always thought you would help me no matter what, I always be by your side, is this how you are treating me!" and then she started shouting back that the teacher will know that you copying my answer!" she got so mad that she ran out of the classroom crying, I didn't talk to her the whole day. But now I realize it was my fault, I shou ve not copied her answer, myself. I should've did my homework Tomorrow I will go to her and apologize, I

Answered by amaytyagi1


O God! I've done a disaster today, I cant understand how do I express it. I feel so angry at myself. So what happened was that, my friend Riya had done her homework and was ready with it in the class, I forgot to do my homework and asked her whether I can copy her homework, she said no, and I got mad at her and snatched away her notebook, but she took her copy back again, I always thought that she would help me no matter what happened. I started shouting at her that " I always thought you would help me no matter what, I always be by your side, is this how you are treating me!" and then she started shouting back that the teacher will know that you copying my answer!" she got so mad that she ran out of the classroom crying, I didn't talk to her the whole day. But now I realize it was my fault, I shou ve not copied her answer, myself. I should've did my homework Tomorrow I will go to her and apologize, I


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