10. An atom is in its excited state. Does the probability of
its coming to ground state depend on whether the
radiation is already present or not? If yes, does it also
depend on the wavelength of the radiation present ?
Plz answer very urgent.
The presence of radiation in the atom coming from the excited state to the ground state depends upon the time up emission whether it is stimulated emission or spontaneous emission.
If the atom comes to the ground state from the excited state due to stimulated emission, Then it also depends on the wavelength of radiation.
Whereas in case of spontaneous emission, The atom will come to its ground state from the excited state spontaneously and Hence it will not depend on the wavelength of radiation
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The expression of ratio of coefficient of stimulated and spontaneous transition is given by,
R =e\left( {\dfrac} \right) - 1
Here, h is the plank's constant, v is the speed of wave, k is the Boltzmann factor and r is the radius.
When an atom is in an excited state then after some time the atom comes down to the lower state, the presence of radiation depends on the process of emission either stimulated emission or spontaneous emission. The atom coming from a higher state to lower state through spontaneous emission then there will be no radiation in the atom, and it also doesn't depend on the wavelength of radiation. The atom coming from a higher state to lower state through stimulated emission then there will be presence radiation in the atom, and the atom will depend on the wavelength of radiation present.