Geography, asked by depuckdeonarain, 7 days ago

10 challenges associated with lnformal settlements


Answered by tejassubhashjagdale


Countries in the region experiencing informal settlement growth are grappling with the same set of systemic problems related to lack of access to affordable housing, inappropriate spatial planning policies and an incomplete system of land management as well as growing urban poverty, though in very different national ...

Answered by khandelwaltushar61


Recognition of informal settlements and human rights. Urban authorities that adopt rights-based policies and integrated governance create prosperous, sustainable and inclusive cities.

Government leadership. National governments must provide enabling environments to develop and implement appropriate policies to bring about change. Government at all levels must connect key stakeholders, harness local knowledge, enact policies and plans and manage incremental infrastructure development.

Systemic and citywide/at-scale approaches. Initiatives work best when they capitalise on agglomeration economies; use innovative financing and taxes; ensure equitable land management; recognise multiple forms of employment; reintegrate informal settlements with infrastructure and services via planning and design; clarify administrative responsibility for peri-urban areas; and undertake sensitive planning to avoid exposure to environmental hazards.

Integration of people and systems. Governments must develop and coordinate broader integrated frameworks that are underpinned by urban planning, legislation and finance arrangements; are supported by interconnected institutional arrangements; and ensure the inclusion of marginalised groups and key stakeholders. Participation must be at the heart of this approach, ensuring an understanding of economic and social community dynamics.

Housing. The provision of affordable, adequate housing, including in situ upgrading and avoidance of forced evictions, security of tenure and livelihood and employment generation, all play a role in urban prosperity.

Long-term financial investment and inclusive financing options. Sustained investment in affordable housing and upgrading programmes is critical. This includes pro-poor housing plans and financing support for all tiers of government.

Developing participatory, standardised and computerised data collection. Residents of informal settlements should be engaged in local data collection. Data collected at community level must be standardised and linked to city, regional, national and global comparative indicators. Data collection must also be embedded in monitoring and evaluation processes.

Peer learning platforms. Platforms that draw on stakeholders’ knowledge should be prioritised to facilitate peer learning. These platforms may include a range of communication strategies and multimedia mechanisms.

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