10 competencies of entrepreneur
There are 10 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies, which form the basis of the Empretec Training Workshop. These 10 competencies are:
Opportunity-seeking and initiative
Entrepreneurs seek opportunities and take the initiative to transform them into business situations.
When most people tend to abandon an activity, successful entrepreneurs stick with it.
Entrepreneurs keep their promises, no matter how great the personal sacrifice.
Demand for efficiency and quality
Entrepreneurs try to do something better, faster or cheaper.
Taking calculated risks
Taking calculated risks is one of the primary concepts in entrepreneurship.
Goal setting
This is the most important competency because none of the rest will function without it. Entrepreneurs set goals and objectives which are meaningful and challenging.
Information seeking
Entrepreneurs gather information about their clients, suppliers, technology and opportunities.
Systematic planning and monitoring
Systematic behaviour means acting in a logical way. Planning is deciding what to do. Monitoring means checking.
Persuasion and networking
Entrepreneurs influence other people to follow them or do something for them.
Independence and self-confidence
Entrepreneurs have a quiet self-assurance in their capability or potential to do something.