Chemistry, asked by KOONER1911, 9 months ago

10. Complete the following reactions and identify the type of reaction takes
(1) CaCO3 -
(ii) Mg + O2
(iii) Agcl _sunlight
(iv) Fe + CuSO4
(V) Cu + FeSO4
(vi) BaCl2 + Na2SO4
(vii) Zn + CuSO4
(viii) H20_electricity
(ix) cao + H₂O
(x) NaOH + HCI​


Answered by Mankuthemonkey01

i) \sf CaCO_3 \rightarrow CaO + CO_2

Calcium carbonate decomposes by heat and produces Carbon dioxide gas and Calcium oxide. The reaction is thermal decomposition reaction. Also, heat is given for the reaction to take place hence it is endothermic reaction also.


ii) \sf 2Mg + O_2 \rightarrow 2MgO

Magnesium ribbon burns with oxygen to produce magnesium oxide. Given reaction is combination reaction.


iii)\sf 2AgCl \xrightarrow{Sunlight}  Ag + Cl_2

Silver chloride decomposes in the presence of sunlight into silver and chlorine gas. The reaction is photo decomposition reaction.


iv) \sf Fe + CuSO_4 \rightarrow FeSO_4 + Cu

Iron displaces copper from copper sulphate in its aqueous solution and gives ferrous sulphate and copper metal. The reaction is displacement reaction.


v) \sf Cu + FeSO_4 \rightarrow No \ reaction

There will be no reaction since Cu comes below Fe in reactivity series and hence, won't displace Fe from FeSO4


vi) \sf BaCl_2 + Na_2SO_4 \rightarrow BaSO_4 + 2NaCl

Given reaction is double displacement reaction as the ions are displacing each other. Also, BaSO4 precipitates hence it is precipitation reaction also.


vii) \sf Zn + CuSO_4 \rightarrow ZnSO_4 + Cu

Zn displaces Cu from its salt solution hence it is displacement reaction.


viii) \sf 2H_2O\xrightarrow{Electricity} 2H_2 + O_2

Water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen gas with the help of electricity. Given reaction is electro decomposition reaction.


ix) \sf CaO + H_2O \rightarrow Ca(OH)_2

Calcium oxide (quick lime) and water combine together to form calcium hydroxide (slaked lime). Given reaction is combination reaction. Heat is also released hence it is exothermic reaction.


x) \sf NaOH + HCl \rightarrow NaCl + H_2O

Here, the reaction is neutralisation reaction as an acid and a base are neutralising each other to form salt and water. Also, there is an exchange of ion hence it's double displacement reaction also.

Answered by Shreya091




\small\ CaCO3 \to\ CaO + CO_2

Type of reaction:-

°This reaction is a thermal decomposition reaction. In this reaction calcium carbonate splits into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide . In this heat is absorbed so it is a endothermic reaction .

b) Mg + O2


\small\ Mg + O_2 \to\ MgO

Type of reaction :-

°This reaction is a combination reaction. In this reaction magnesium combines with oxygen to form Magnesium oxide .

c)AgCl _Sunlight


\small\ 2AgCl(sunlight) \to\ Ag + Cl_2

Type of reaction :-

°This reaction is a type of photolytic thermal decomposition. In this silver chloride is decomposed into silver and chlorine gas .Heat is absorbed in this reaction.

d) Fe+ CuSO4

Reaction :-

\small\  Fe + CuSO_4 \to\ FeSO_4 + Cu

Type of reaction :-

°This reaction is a type of displacement reaction .In this copper sulphate reacts with iron and forms iron sulphate as it is more reactive than copper.

e)Cu + FeSO4


\small\ Cu +FeSO_4 \to\ No reaction

Type of reaction :-

°There is no reaction .copper is less reactive than iron ,Hence no reaction takes place.

f) BaCl2 + Na2SO4


\small\ BaCl_2 + Na_2SO4 \to\ BaSO_4 + 2NaCl

Type of reaction:-

°This reaction is a double displacement reaction. In this barium chloride reacts with sodium sulphate and forms a white precipitate of Barium sulphate and sodium chloride.

g)Zn + CuSO4


\small\ Zn + CuSO4 \to\ ZnSO4 + Cu

Type of reaction :-

°This is a type of displacement reaction .Here zinc reacts with copper sulphate and forms zinc sulphate and copper.

h) H2O__electricity


\small\ H2O(electricity) \to_\ H_2O + O_2

Type of reaction:-

•°•This reaction is a type of electrolytic decomposition reaction. When electricity passes hydrogen and oxygen formed .it is an endothermic reaction.

I) CaO + H2O


\small\ CaO+ H_2O \to\ Ca(OH)_2

Type of reaction:-

•°•This reaction is a type of combination reaction. In this calcium oxide reacts with Water to form calcium hydroxide. the product is also known as slaked lime and it is also known as exothermic reaction.

j)NaOH + HCl


\small\ NaOH + HCl \to\ NaCl + H_2O

Type of reaction:-

°This is a type of double displacement reaction .In this sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride and Water.


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