Science, asked by mukeshwadwani7, 7 months ago

10. Define a) gravitational force b) electrostatic force? plz give me short answer


Answered by devika2271


• Gravitational is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other. Earth's gravity is what keeps you on the ground and what makes things fall.

• Coulomb force, also called electrostatic force or Coulomb interaction, attraction or repulsion of particles or objects because of their electric charge.

Answered by neetasalve123


Electric force and electric field

Electric force

Electric force exists between charges, as described by Coulomb's Law. Worked example: a line of charge with q off the end. Written by Willy McAllister.

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Our study of electricity begins with electrostatics and the electrostatic force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. Electrostatic force is described by Coulomb's Law. We use Coulomb's Law to solve the forces created by configurations of charge.

Electrostatics deals with forces between charges. Static means the charges are not moving, or at least are not moving very fast. How fast is "not very fast"?


How do we know there is such a thing as charge? The concept of charge arises from an observation of nature: We observe forces between objects. Electric charge is the property of objects that gives rise to this observed force. Like gravity, electric force "acts at a distance". The idea that a force can "act at a distance" is pretty mind-blowing, but it's what nature really does.

Electric forces are very large, far greater than the force of gravity. Unlike gravity, there are two types of electric charge, (whereas there is only one type of gravity; gravity only attracts).

Unlike charges attract,

Like charges repel. Unlike charges attract.

Like charges repel. Unlike charges attract.

Like charges repel,

Force between charges: Coulomb's Law of electric force

Coulomb's Law very nicely describes this natural phenomenon. The law has this form,

\vec F = K \,\dfrac{q_0\, q_1}{r^2} \,\hat r











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