10 examples of closed loop control systems
Closed loop system is the system in which output quantity have effect on the input quantity in such a manner that input quantity will adjust on yourself on the base of generated output it is called Closed loop system. And the example of Closed loop system are given below
· Pressure control system
· Temperature control system
· Speed control system
· Robot control system
· Elevator control system
· Flight control system
· Humans control system
· Safety control system
· Guided control system
· Servo voltage stabilizer control system
This is the list of 10 examples of closed-loop control systems.
1. Inverter
2. Ironing machine (clothing iron)
3. Solar system
4. Turbine
5. Thermostat heater
6. Auto engine
7. Stabilizer
8. Air conditioner
9. Human control system
10. Automatic toaster
The closed loop system can be defined as the system in which their output quality has an effect on the input quality. The closed loop gives output through feedback or iteration process.