Chemistry, asked by HemanthT5600, 6 months ago

10 examples of sedimentation, decantation, filteration and evaporation.


Answered by hrn21agmailcom


see below



sedimentation : ( solid in liquid )

undissolved sugar found at the bottom of a glass containing water

decantation : ( liquid from liquid )

removing a floating oil from water in a container

filteration : ( solid from liquid )

separating the tea dust from a tea pot using filter

evaporation : ( vapour from liquid )

steam releasing from a pressure cooker

Answered by Abhijeet1589


  • Sedimentation is a process of separation of suspended particles from a liquid through gravity.

Examples of sedimentation -

  1. Tea leaves settling in the water
  2. Soil settling at the pond of water.
  3. water treatment plants.
  4. Sewage treatment plants.
  5. Sand traps.
  6. Alluvium.
  7. Aeolian deposits (dunes).
  8. Sedimentary Islands.
  9. Moraines - are created by the accumulation of sediments formed by a glacier.
  10. Geological reefs- (Coral reefs) accumulation of sediments built by the interaction of corals and calcareous algae.


  • Decantation is a process of separation of a mixture of two insoluble liquids or a mixture of liquid and solid in a suspension.

Example of Decantation -

  1. Separation of sediments from wine via Decanter.
  2. Separation of glycerine from biodiesel.
  3. Separation of mercury from crude oil.
  4. Separation of fat from milk.
  5. Extraction of sugar crystals from sugar syrup.
  6. Purification of silver nanowires for manufacturing of transparent electrodes in nanotechnology.
  7. Separation of blood into its constituents.
  8. Manufacture of vinegar. To remove fats and antioxidants from raw material.
  9. Separation of mud from water. After the mud sediments are on the floor or container, the water is poured into another container.
  10. The separation of oil and water using a separating funnel is an example of decantation.


  • It is the process of conversion of liquid into vapor.

Examples of evaporation -

  1. Water cycle - water evaporates from water bodies which eventually forms rain.
  2. Sweating
  3. Drying of clothes under the sun.
  4. Sun drying of condiments.
  5. Preparation of common salt.
  6. Distillation
  7. Cooling of hot liquids.
  8. Acetone is a highly volatile liquid that can evaporate if not stored
  9. Melting of a glacier.
  10. Steam from a pot of boiling water.


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