English, asked by Aarluv, 11 months ago

10 good manners of classroom


Answered by keya82
Say excuse me.

Say sorry when you do something mistake.

Say please.

Say thank you. Look for opportunities to compliment others.

Ask questions of others

Smile & have a good attitude


Listen to monitors of the class.

Don't disturb the teacher while teaching.
Answered by sharongrace89
hey mate
here is ur answer



Rutuja Chitnis in Behavior & DisciplineBehavior & DisciplineBig KidPreschooler

20 Good Manners to Teach Your Kids

It is never too early to start teaching your child the importance of good manners and etiquette. Children at a young age have incredibly absorbent brains. They remember what they are taught with clarity and their minds absorb everything much faster than they would at a later age.

Manners and etiquette in children is an indicator that they have been brought up in cultured families. Teaching them to kids may be quite a task but make sure not to lose patience with your child. After all, being patient is also good etiquette after all! And kids learn from adults being good role models. Therefore, it is important that we as adults and parents exhibit the best manners in front of our children so that they can watch and learn.

Instilling good manners in your child also makes him or her an overall pleasant person, polite, kind and more likely to succeed in life. In this article, we will look at a list of 20 good manners that your child should know and learn.

Good Manners You Must Teach Your Children

1. Saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You.’

This is one of the first basic manners to teach your child. The importance of saying ‘please’ when asking for something and ‘thank you’ when receiving something should be instilled in their minds. Practicing them with this can help them to remember it faster.

2. Asking before Taking Anything

Children should learn to ask permission before taking anything that is not theirs – even with people like Mom and Dad. They should also be taught to return anything they have borrowed with proper thanks.

3. Saying ‘Sorry’

Along with ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, saying sorry when they have done something wrong is also an important habit to instil in your child. They should know when and where to say sorry and not use it casually. Empathy is a skill they have to imbibe.

4. Knocking on Doors before Entering

Kids should be taught that privacy is paramount, especially at home. They should know that it is respectful to knock on someone’s door and ask permission before entering the room. Doing so in front of your kids will help them pick it up as a good habit.

5. Covering One’s Mouth When Sneezing or Coughing

Teach your kids to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough politely. Also, that picking one’s nose in public is considered rude and unpleasant. Make them learn that it is not only good manners but also a hygienic habit.

6. Saying ‘Excuse me’

This is another basic critical manner. Children are naturally impatient, and so they have to be taught to say excuse me and ask permission to talk. They should also know when and how they can interrupt a conversation and when they cannot.

7. Not Making Fun of People

This should be taught very early on as if it is not, children might think it is okay to make fun of people. They should be taught that it is never okay to hurt someone’s feelings by making fun of them in public or private.

8. Phone Etiquette

Your child should know how to talk on the phone and also be silent and listen when someone on the other end is talking. This will help make her leave a good impression on people.

9. Show Respect to Elders

Adults have lived for a long time, and kids should be taught that experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to respect. They should be taught to show respect to their parents, grandparents, teachers and other adults they move around with. One way of doing this can be making sure to always serve food to the grandparents first before serving to the kids or giving up a seat on the bus for an older adult while your kid is watching. They will know that showing deference to age indicates good manners.

10. Learn and Remember People’s Names

Using and remembering someone’s name shows that you have made an effort to recognise and remember them. Teach your kid to remember a friend’s name or family member’s name by using it often with him or her. When they learn a name, you can also remind them to use it right away.

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