10. How can we prevent the occurrence of scurvy?
Scurvy can be prevented by a diet that includes vitamin C-rich foods such as amla, bell peppers (sweet peppers), blackcurrants, broccoli, chili peppers, guava, kiwifruit, and parsley. Other sources rich in vitamin C are fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, papaya, and strawberries.
Other names: Moeller's disease, Cheadle's disease, scorbutus, Barlow's disease, hy...
Symptoms: Weakness, feeling tired, changes to hair, sore arms and legs, gum disea...
Treatment: Vitamin C supplements, Citrus fruits
Causes: Lack of vitamin C
Scurvy can be prevented by a diet that includes vitamin C-rich foods such as amla, bell peppers (sweet peppers), blackcurrants, broccoli, chili peppers, guava, kiwifruit, and parsley. Other sources rich in vitamin C are fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, papaya, and strawberries.