English, asked by monster7926, 4 months ago

(ill) Give the meaning of "diverged".
(iv) Name the Poem and the poet.
9.2 Write answers of any five questions:
(i) How old were Margie and Tommy? What did Margie write in her diary?
(1) When was Evelyn's deafness first noticed and when was it confirmed?
(ill) How is a Shehnal different from a pungi?
(iv) What does the poet say the wind god winnows?
b) How does the child react when he realizes that he was lost his parents?
(vi) How does Toto come to Grandfather's private Zoo?
Q.3 Complete the following statements:
(i) Grandfather buys Toto from
(ll) The Child wanted to get
(11) Aurangzeb banned pungi
(iv) A Telebkook is a book
(v) The wind does the following things and some of them are
2.4 Attempt any one answer: (80 to 100 words)
When and how did Bismillah Khan get his big break and where did he play the Shahnai on the
15 August, 1947?
Describe how the child was lost.
Q.5 Attempt any one of the answer: (80 to 100 words)
After reading the story "The Fun They Had" what idea do you form of an ideal school?
Have you ever enjoyed a bath whatever the way Toto enjoyed? What happened one day
when he got into a big kettle of hot water?​


Answered by jasminlaskar277


i cant read the question because it is very big,sorry

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