10. |L ptj As an alternative to the story of Robinson Crusoe, macroeconomists use the
aggregate production function," written as Y = AF(L,K,H,N), to link economy-wide
output Y to the number of workers L, the stock of physical capital K, the stock of human
capital H, the stock of natural resources N, and stock of technological knowledge A.
With reference to this aggregate production function, please indicate whether each of
the following statements is true or false.
(a) The aggregate production function exhibits "constant returns to scale" if doubling
the four inputs - workers L, physical capital K, human capital H, and natural
resources N - while holding the stock of technological knowledge A fixed leads to
a doubling of outplut.
(b) The aggregate production function exhibits "constant returns to scale if tripling
the four inputs workers L, physical capital K, human capital H, and natural
resources N - while holding the stock of technological knowledge A fixed leads to
a tripling of output.
(c) When the aggregate production function exhibits constant returns to scale, it
implies that productivity Y/L is determined by the stock of physical capital per
worker K/L, the stock of human capital per worker H/L, the stock of natural
resources per worker N/L, and the stock of technological knowledge A.
(d) The aggregate production function shows that productivity may still increase,
even in the face of dwindling stocks of natural resources N, if the stock of tech-
nological knowledge A continues to grow.
Answered by
d. Securitization
worker K/L, the stock of human capital per worker H/L, the stock of natural
resources per worker N/L, and the stock of technological knowledge A.
(d) The aggregate production function shows that productivity may still increase,
even in the face of dwindling stocks of natural resources N, if the stock of tech-
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