10 lines on topic (sharing)
Sharing forms the basis of human life. All human beings have common needs and we have to make sure that we give each other portions of what we need to survive. Air is well apportioned for human to live together breathing the same air and not finishing it for the others. People distribute the space where they live on earth. This allows us to get spaces to build homes, schools, hospitals, roads and many other structures. Human beings distribute land to each other to share the earth space for accommodation. Where people have failed to distribute their space they have ended up going to war to fight for space or the resources that they fail to distribute such as land, water and food
Answer:We have always been taught that “sharing is caring.” Sharing is spreading joy amongst others. Sharing is when you become selfless and help others or share something with others. The habit of sharing is developed over the years.
It helps to make a person empathetic, and the person starts to care about others unconditionally
Sharing makes a person build social-skills which are required by a well-adjusted adult.
The selfless attitude one develops by sharing is always appreciated by others.
The practice of sharing makes you understand when someone else is in need without them telling you the same.
Also, Sharing gives you a sense of responsibility towards the society.
When you share, in turn, it shows your care, and people love to be around you for your positive aura.
You learn to sacrifice for some greater good to someone else which makes you humble and caring