10 news English words with meanings
accidial v. Speak
dial someone's number on phone accidentally
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agender n. Speak
people do not identify as male or female
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airball n. Speak
completely miss the basket, rim, and backboard with a shot
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At the last second he had to shoot an airball in hurry and his team lost.
He hoisted up a three-pointer but it was an airball unfortunately.
automagically ad. Speak
in a way that seems magical, especially by computer
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awesomesauce a. Speak
extremely good; excellent
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bargainous a. Speak
costing less than expected, cheap or relatively cheap
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barista n. Speak
a person whose job involves preparing and serving different types of coffee
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bedunged a. Speak
has been soiled with or covered in dung; very old or old-fashioned.
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binge-watch v. Speak
watch multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession
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bitcoin n. Speak
an online payment system that does not require an intermediary
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bling n. Speak
jewellery, decoration, or clothing that attracts attention because looks expensive
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blog n. Speak
a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group
ten new English words are:-
1.awesomesauce.........when someone is extremely good..it's a adjective..
2. manspreading......it's a noun.... means if u use public transport you have probably been exposed to or even engaged to manspreading...
3.lieutenant..,.... military term used to confuse us...
4.bestow...means confer or present
5.vouchsafe....give or grant to in a gracious manner..
6.gainsay....means deny or contradict
7.garrulous.....excessively talkitive especially on trivial matters
8.loqacious......tending to talk a great deal...
9.lugubrious...looking or sounding sad or dismal
10.hyperbole.....exaggerated not to mean to be taken literally..
hope this helps u