10 points on gandhi
1. Mahatma Gandhi was the leader Indian independence movement against British rule.
2. Mahatma Gandhi was born in a hindu family on 2nd October 1869 at porbandhar in Gujarat.
3. The title 'Mahatma' was given to him in south Africa in 1914.
4. His politicay non-violence made him and instant hit among the Indian masses .
5. His simple living high thinking made him fondly called as Bapu.
6. Mahatma Gandhi had joined the Indian national Congress in 1920.
7. India celebrates her birthday as the Gandhi jayanti every year.
8. Mahatma Gandhi was married to kasturbai makhanji kapadia in may 1883.
9. He inspired civil rights and freedom movement across the world.
10. Mahatma Gandhi was understook his last fast on 12th January 1948 at the age of 78.
hope you understand
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