10 sentences about teacher in Teachers Day
10 Lines on Teacher
1) A teacher is a great source of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment by which anybody can be benefited.
2) Teachers are the gifts of god who make our career and guide us towards success.
3) Teachers make their students academically strong and they always encourage their students to do better in their life.
4) Without teachers it is almost impossible to imagine growth in our life whether educationally, mentally or intellectually.
5) In the words of saint Kabir, “the value of teacher is more in comparison to god and we must be thankful to our teachers”.
6) Teachers can be a school teacher or a spiritual guru who shows the path towards god and enlightenment.
7) Teacher is also called as “guru” and in ancient times, there were “gurukuls” where students use to live and attain knowledge from gurus.
8) “Teacher’s Day” and “Guru Purnima” are the days dedicated to the teachers for their dedication and hard work they spent in shaping the lives of their students.
9) In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September and Guru Purnima is mostly celebrated in the month of July.
10) Teachers Day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Sri Sarvepalli Radhakrishanan who was the first Vice-President of India and a great teacher.
1)A teacher is a person who guides students in gaining the knowledge and values in a society.
2)A teacher is a person who not only teaches academic subject or any course, but he also changes the overall life of a student
3)A teacher focuses on the personality of the students and tries to remove the inner darkness of illiteracy and fills the light of knowledge in the inner will of his students.
4)The contribution of a teacher in shaping the future of youth and nation is immense
5)Teacher always motivates students to do their best and also he feels success on the success of his students.
6)Teacher provides a good citizen to the nation who contributes in development.
7)A teacher is not less than our parents so he must be equally respected everywhere.
8)teacher is the person who does not have any blood relation with his student but still he dedicates himself to shape his future.
9)A teacher considers his students as his children and works hard to make them successful and feels happy when his student attains a certain milestone in his life.
10)teacher always remains faithful to his students and committed to making them educated and civilized.