10 sentences of mavir swami
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Answer:Mahavir Swami was one of those noble souls of the world who gave up kingly comforts and wordly pleasures for the cause of humanity. It was after twelve years, of hard meditation under considerable physical suffering that Mahavir attained enlightenment or supreme knowledge. After attaining enlightenment, Mahavir extensively toured through various kingdoms spreading the teachings of Jainism and converting people to his faith. Though Rishabhdev, the first Jain Trithankar, is considered to be the founder of Jainism, it was Mahavir who organised Jainism into its present form. In his teachings, Mahavir Swami laid supreme emphasis on Ahimsa or nonviolence, truth and purity in life.
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I hope! ye aapke liye helpfull hoga

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