10 sentences of simple past tense
Answered by
i) I went to your house yesterday.
ii)I wrote the letter yesterday.
iii)I learnt science today.
iv)He hid it in the cupboard.
v)Abhi lost his pencil box yesterday.
vi)He played with me today.
vii)I saw him last week.
viii)He killed a rat today.
ix)I ate a delicous cake in the party.
x)I gave this answer on Brainly today.
ii)I wrote the letter yesterday.
iii)I learnt science today.
iv)He hid it in the cupboard.
v)Abhi lost his pencil box yesterday.
vi)He played with me today.
vii)I saw him last week.
viii)He killed a rat today.
ix)I ate a delicous cake in the party.
x)I gave this answer on Brainly today.
with hindi
मैंने कल पत्र लिखा था।
मैंने आज विज्ञान सीखा।
उसने इसे अलमारी में छुपाया।
अभिी ने कल अपना पेंसिल बॉक्स खो दिया।
उसने आज मेरे साथ खेला।
मैंने उसे पिछले हफ्ते देखा था।
उसने आज चूहा मारा।
मैंने पार्टी में एक स्वादिष्ट केक खा लिया।
मैंने आज इस जवाब को ब्रेनली पर दिया।
Answered by
1. Ravi went home.
रवि घर चला गया |
2.Ishika played chess.
इशिका ने शतरंज खेला |
3. she ate lunch.
उसने भोजन खा लिया |
4.she played guitar last night
उसने कल रात गिटार बजाय| |
5.it rained yesterday.
कल बारिश हुई थी |
6.he wanted teddy bear.
वह टेडी चाहता था |
7.she ate an apple.
उसने एक सेब खा लिया|
8.she worked in a shoe company
उसने जूता कंपनी में काम किया
9.she cleaned her room
उसने अपना कमरा साफ कर लिया
10.they went on work.
वे काम पर गए
रवि घर चला गया |
2.Ishika played chess.
इशिका ने शतरंज खेला |
3. she ate lunch.
उसने भोजन खा लिया |
4.she played guitar last night
उसने कल रात गिटार बजाय| |
5.it rained yesterday.
कल बारिश हुई थी |
6.he wanted teddy bear.
वह टेडी चाहता था |
7.she ate an apple.
उसने एक सेब खा लिया|
8.she worked in a shoe company
उसने जूता कंपनी में काम किया
9.she cleaned her room
उसने अपना कमरा साफ कर लिया
10.they went on work.
वे काम पर गए
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