History, asked by priyaparajuli122, 5 months ago

10 short differences between local and modern technology




What Is The History Of Medical Technologies

Modern Technology and Learning

The twentieth century has been a technological revolution that has allowed us fundamental changes in communication, information and learning; These changes have been happening at speeds not previously calculated. Today the information is taken to equidistant points, thousands of kilometers, in seconds. The time has been reduced to the maximum; the space that was equivalent to time in terms of communication has also been reduced. There are few people who do not know about other distant people and how they live, what they think, what happens to them, how they work and how they learn and live. In this way, the time-space dimension has been reduced thanks to technology.

With current technology we can have more experiences, shorten the learning time, live faster or perhaps live longer, since time is extended from a certain point of view. Investigations become easier and better, man’s decisions more adjusted to reality; there may also be an error in the handling of computers; for example, in the maneuver of nuclear missiles, destroying our planet and with this our technological civilization, or simply with the abuse of the use of computers, mental functions can be atrophied due to their non-use; it could happen that a small group is the one who thinks and works or believes and manages the whole mass, and within it a few would be the ones who would orchestrate and fix the machines, Or it could be that the same computer would be programmed to fix itself if necessary, leaving the man aside. In any case, man would remain with his feelings, his values, his vital impulses, his biological, emotional needs, to love and to know.

Currently teaching is taught through “computer” with computers and automation. The computers, the pocket calculators, are already in primary and secondary school. Today the calculations that took hours and even days are done in seconds thanks to computers. Today just enough to maneuver a few buttons so that the data in the computer solve a series of problems that previously required up to months or years. In this way, innumerable problems of time, space, money and human errors have been avoided. Nowadays the teaching of computer programming is not a mystery or a question of electronic scientists; already the boy is being taught since childhood the theory of sets, which then, understanding it,

“A short time ago, the Cybernetics Congress was held in Madrid, a science that was born in Spain and is now generally known.” The Greeks called the art of piloting ‘cybernetics’; Today is the science that dominates, leads and directs. Technicians have used it to create ‘animal machines’, brains and even human ‘robots’. All these devices are conducted creating defenses against aggressive agents, adapting to the environment and performing calculations that many men at the time could not do. They have created machines that keep memories, just as human memory does, electronic brains that even have the ability to be wrong and to be exact (this last difficult in man),

“Man wants to create life and some wise believe they have in their hands the technical tools for the creation of man. New philosophical and metaphysical speculations are made. It is said and repeated to have already mastered the possibility of creating life. ”

“It is science of cybernetics, which makes a parallel with the nervous system, has allowed to create artifacts that come to behave almost like a man; and happily I say ‘almost’, because they are incapable of being able to devise themselves and lack the capacity to create.

Traditional Technology

fore entering fully into unraveling the meaning of the word technology that now occupies us, it is interesting that we carry out the discovery of its etymological origin. In concrete this resides in the Greek and more exactly in the union of two words: that would come to be translated like art, and λόΥος, that is synonymous of treaty.

In this way, we would find ourselves with the fact that technology is the application of a set of knowledge and skills with a clear objective: to achieve a solution that allows the human being to solve a specific problem until reaching a need in a specific field .

Starting from this meaning we would find that within the “sack” of technology can be included a wide number of modalities or disciplines such as computer science, robotics, home automation, pneumatics, electronics, urbotic or inmotic, between many more.

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