10 shortcut keys on MS Office
General Program Shortcuts
•Ctrl+N: Create a new document.
•Ctrl+O: Open an existing document.
•Ctrl+S: Save a document.
•F12: Open the Save As dialog box.
•Ctrl+W: Close a document.
•Ctrl+Z: Undo an action.
•Ctrl+Y: Redo an action.
•Ctrl+Alt+V: Print Layout View
•Ctrl+Alt+O: Outline View
•Ctrl+Alt+N: Draft View
•Ctrl+F2: Print Preview View
•F1: Open the Help pane
•Alt+Q: Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
•F9: Refresh the field codes in the current selection
Ctrl+F: Search a document
•F7: Run a spelling and grammar check
•Shift+F7: Open the thesaurus. If you have a word selected, Shift+F7 looks up that word in the thesaurus.Alt+Ctrl+S: Split a window or remove the split view.
1. ctrl + B = bold
2. ctrl + c= copy
3. ctrl + v = paste
4. ctrl + x = cut
5. ctrl + y= redo
6. ctrl + z = undo
7. ctrl + u = underline the text
8. ctrl + s = save
9. ctrl + p = print
10. ctrl + o = open