English, asked by kmunna5708, 7 hours ago

systematic way
Read the poem carefully and fill in the blanks:
Sticks and stones may break my bones
Bur words can also hurt me
Stones and sticks break only skin
While words are ghosts that haunt me.
Slant and curved the word-swords fall
To pierce and stick inside me
Bats and bricks may ache through bones
But words can mortify mo
Pain from words has Icft its scar
On mind and heart that's tender
Cuts and bruises now have healed
It's words that I remember
(Barrie Hade)
Fill in the blanks and complete the summary of the poem:
The poet speaks about the pain caused by weapons and the hurt caused by
unkind language. Sticks and hurt us physically. But when we get
hurt emotionally by rude and harsh we feel mentally upset and
disturbed. The wounds caused to our body heal up fast but the
caused by harsh
and rude words disturb our mind for a long period of time. The objects like swords injure
deeply. But rude and words can also hurt equally. They can humiliate us
and make our life miserable. The damage caused by harsh language is more than the
damage caused by physicalinjury. Both leave scars-one on the and the other on
and heart. But the
on the mind and heart does not let us forget the


Answered by arunvarma56


sorry no idea bro, will check and explain

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