English, asked by tvasan42, 2 months ago

10 The energy value of food is usually measured ____________

calories. The number _______ calories one uses _______ any

one moment normally depends _______ the activity one does.

11 ________ the engineer, efficiency means output divided

______ input. His job is ______ secure a maximum output

_______ a given input or ________ secure given output

______ a minimum input.

12 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science________ developing

computers that can learn and follow instructions ________

great accuracy and speed. An example __________ AI is the

use _________ expert systems.

II Insert the articles ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ 4x1/2=2 U

13 Liquid samples assume the shape of its container ___ kinetic

theory explains this property by saying that there are no fixed

position for _____ molecules.____ molecules in the liquid are

free to slide over each other in order to occupy position of

____ lowest possible potential energy.

14 I spoke to one of ____flight attendants for ____ while. Then I

managed to fall asleep for about _______ hour.

After I woke up, I ordered for _______.

15 Just imagine _____ biology teacher explaining _____

respiratory system or just _______ body part like _______

larynx, to the class.

16 ________ National green Tribuanl (NGT) has directed

_________ UP Pollution Control Board to identify and

install sewage treatment plants at major sources of pollution

in _______ Kali river,_____ tributary of the Ganga.

17 In ____urban concrete jungle, to be ____ urban farmer,

people are interested in setting up terrace

gardens.______ ―green conscious movement‖ is ______

initiative by environmentalists.

18 Sherlock Holmes is _____ fictional private detective created

by Arthur Conan Doyle. Though not ___ only private

detective, he is arguably ________ most well-known of all

detectives. He is widely considered _______ icon in Britain.

19 It is true that his error amounted to less than one tenth of ___

percent, in ____ total, but it was _____error all _____same.

20 Idleness is ____great vice and _____ great danger. It is ____

father of all sins. _____idle man turns his attention to sins.

21 There was ____ easy question at ____ beginning of paper.

But there was ____ difficult one at ____ end of the paper

some questions very easy.

22 ____Ganges is ____ longest river in India. It originates at

____ place called Gangotri. Banaras ____ancient town, is​


Answered by Andrea07

10. in , in , as , on

12. in , with , for , of

13. a, the , the, the

14. the, a , an , a

15. a , the , the, the

16. the, the, the, the

17. the, a , a , an

18. a , the, the, an

19. the , a , an, the

20. a , a, the, an

21. an, the, a , the

22. the, the, a , the

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