English, asked by rohitbharati44, 5 months ago

10. The name of the boy mentioned in the story is -
a) James b) Raman c) Roger d) None of these
11. The poet's friend is compare to a-
a) Summer b) Gold c) Winter d) Sun
12. Kalam's parents were regarded as a/an:-
a) Quarallel some couple
b) Energetic
d) Lazy couple
e) Ideal couple
13. Roger fell on the -
a) Side walk
b) On the bushes
c) Pavement
d) Grassland
14. Mrs. Jones worked in a -
a) Hotel beauty shop
b) Hotel tea shop
c) hotel lily shop
d) hotel daily time
15. Who is asked to keep the soldier warm?-
a) The nature
b) The heat
c) The Sun
d) The valley​


Answered by chipalanagaraju4115

you didnt mentioned a story so I can't answer

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