English, asked by nitinakoniya50, 4 months ago

10. Translate the following into English:
बचपन एक ऐसी अवस्था है जब जिम्मेदारियाँ कम होती हैं, जब जीवन में चीजें
नित नए रूप में सामने आती हैं और जब किसी को वर्षा या बर्फ में खेलने जैसे
साधारण कामों में आनन्द मिलता है। लेकिन बच्चा अपनी इच्छानुसार कुछ भी करने
के लिए स्वतंत्र नहीं होता और वह अपने को लगातार यही सुनते हुए पाता है कि "यह
काम मत करो, वह काम मत करो" आगे गलती हो जाने पर उसे दण्ड भी मिलता है।
जब युवा होकर वह अपनी आजीविका कमाने लगता है, तब वह विद्यालय और पिता
के अनुशासन से मुक्ति पाता है, लेकिन साथ में उसे अपने पारिवारिक, सामाजिक एवं
व्यावसायिक उत्तरदायित्वों को भी स्वीकरना पड़ता है।


Answered by raheemchathanur


Childhood is a stage when responsibilities are low, when things in life

Always comes in a new form and when someone like playing in rain or snow

Pleasure is found in ordinary works. But the child can do whatever he wants

Is not free to and he finds himself constantly hearing that "this

Do not work, do not do that work, "he further gets punished if he makes a mistake.

When he starts earning his livelihood when he is young, he goes to school and father

Freedom from discipline, but at the same time, he gets his family, social and

Professional responsibilities also have to be accepted....

this is the answer....

Answered by pragati4126


Childhood is a stage when responsibilities are few, when things in life always comes in a new form and when someone like playing in rain or snow, pleasure is found in ordinary works. But the child can do whatever he wants and he finds himself constantly hearing that "don't do this work, don't do that work." If he makes a mistake further, he also gets punished. When he starts earning his livelihood when he is young, then he/she gets freedom from school and father's discipline, but together he gets his family, social and professional responsibilities also have to be accepted.

Hope it helps you !

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