Science, asked by anshika497619, 2 months ago

10. When the string of a guitar is plucked, it
exhibits motion

C, Say whether the statements are true
or false,
1. While measuring length using a metre scale.
it does not matter where we place our eye
2. When we travel by train or car, the person
sitting next to us is at rest with respect to us.
3. The motion of a train along the track is
mostly rectilinear and at times curvilinear.
4. Rotation and revolution are two types of
circular motion
5. The motion of the Earth is periodic
6. The movement of the Earth around the Sun
is called rotation.
7. A merry-go-round exhibits curvilinear
8. When a screw is tightened, it exhibits only
rotational motion.
9. The movement of a bird in the sky can be
said to be oscillatory.
10. A rotating body moves around another
rotating body​


Answered by prabhas24480

1) The statement, "While measuring length using a metre scale, the position of the eye does not affect the measurement", is false. When using metre scale, one needs to keep the eye vertically above the measurement point.

2) The person, seated in a train under motion, will be at rest with reference to the object whose relative velocity is zero. So, that person is at rest with respect to the train itself, another person watching him from the front seat and the car moving in the same direction with same speed.

3) Curvilinear motion is defined as a motion that occurs when a particle travels along a curved path. The curved path can be in two dimensions (in a plane), or in three dimensions.

Apple will fall in a straight line so this motion is rectilinear motion.

the spinning wheel is a circular motion

pendulum will perform SHM

Javelin is thrown at some angle with horizontal so will have an acceleration at some angle with the velocity so the path followed will be curved. So-called curvilinear motion.

4) Two types of circular motion are rotation and revolution. An axis is the straight line around which rotation takes place. When an object turns about an internal axis—that is, an axis located within the body of the object—the motion is called rotation, or spin.

5) Periodic motion is performed, for example, by a rocking chair, a bouncing ball, a vibrating tuning fork, a swing in motion, the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, and a water wave. ... Thus, the period of the Earth's orbit is one year, and its frequency is one orbit per year.

6) The spinning of the earth is called rotation. It takes the earth abut 24 hours, or one day, to make one complete rotation. At the same time, the earth is moving around the sun. This is called a revolution.

7) Answer:A merry-go-round is an example of circular motion because motion of the body moves along a circular path about a fixed axis

8) When a screw is tightened it exhibits only rotatory motion. 6. Movements of a bird in the sky can be said to be oscillatory.

9) The birds flying in the sky show oscillatory motion when they flap their wings. Most of the birds show linear motion. ... Crows are seen moving in random motion.

10) false

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