100, 101, 102,
Number of these numbers = 606 - 99 = 507.
1. Write the smallest whole number. Can you write the largest whole number?
4. Write the whole number (in each of the following) whose successor is:
Exercise 2.1
2. Write the successor of each of the following numbers:
(11) 378915
(iii) 5001299.
3. Write the predecessor of each of the following numbers:
(ii) 38794
(iii) 54789011.
(1) 3999
(1) 500
(1) 50795
(ii) 720300
(iii) 8300000.
Answered by
- The smallest whole number is 0. The largest whole number is infinite.
Step-by-step explanation:
2. i . 378916 (ii. 5001300 3. (i 38793 ( ii. 54789010 ( iii. 3998 ( iv. 499 ( v. 50794 ( vi. 720299 ( vii. 8299999. HOPE IT HELPS YOU.
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