Hindi, asked by apacter, 1 year ago

100 difficult words hindi to hindi with meaning


Answered by riyababla2006


किमकर्तव्यविमूढ़- To not know what to do

दूरसंचार- telecom

तारतम्यता - continuity

विदूषक- joker/ jester

अक्षुण्य- something that can not be divided

पर्याप्तता - sufficiency

दुविधा - dilemma

कर्तव्यनिष्ठा - responsibility

जिजीविषा - joie de vivre

गगनचुंबी - skyscraper

क्रेता - customer

संदर्भ - context

संक्षिप्त - brief

संक्षिप्तता - brevity

पूर्वाभास - premonition

अभेद्य - impenetrable

आडंबरी - showy

कृतघ्नता - thanklessness

नैसर्गिक - natural

इंगित - point

अनुरूप - analog

अन्यमनस्कता - distraction

विद्यमान - existing

भाव विभोर - overwhelmed

संकरण - hybridisation ( not to be confused with संक्रमण which means infection)

संकर्षण - drawing out

बहुप्रचलित - popular

ह्रास - decline

रिसना - seeping

क्षीण - emaciated

ओझल - disappear

उन्माद - mania

खँदन - contradiction, oppose

क्रंदन - angry cry

आपदा प्रबंधन - disaster management

अहर्ता - eligibility

अभिरुचि - hobby

स्नातक - graduation

apacter: thanks but they are 35
Answered by jujuBJB2006


Impractical - अव्यवहारिक

Aliens - विदेशी

Satisfactory - संतोषजनक

Beautifulness - मनोज्ञ

Excellence - उत्कृष्टता

invalid - नियम-विस्र्द्ध


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