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one day as i was walking down a nartow path inbetween two walls, i suddenly heard a screeching sound. at first, i was scared, but i kept courage and turned around, only to find a fairy, lying on the floor. i was terrified. i had never believed in mythical creatures like fairy or mermaids but now i have to, because one is lying in front of me. i ran towards it. only to find that the fairy was stuck to a thorny bush.i helped her free herself. she thanked me. i asked her if fairies were real. her answer made my jaw drop. she said that there were millions of them of different kinds and that they will appear to people with purity in heart. i asked her what kind of a fairy she was. she told me that she was a sand fairy. after that the fairy flew away asking me not to tell anyone about the incident. before going home, i thought about the incident once more, but it was hard for me to swallow what i had seen. then i went home as fast as i could, and ran to my bedroom. i pulled out my diary
and wrote down everything i had seen. soon, i started to forget about the incident. but last night, while i was sleeping, i heard a voice in my dream say wake up. i woke up unintentionally only to find the sand fairy i had saved standing infront of my window. she was waving at me. suddenly, i heard a big banging sound, i woke up, only to find that i was dreaming about this incident.