Science, asked by madubeyweatyaSari, 1 year ago



Answered by pandeylm49
Today the farmers engaged in agriculture across developed countries is less than 10%, however, 70-80 years ago it was about 50%, The number of farmers gradually came down as people migrated to cities and towns. During the same period, the population of these developed countries is doubled and not only the demand of agriculture was met for increased population but some agricultural produce is also exported in some countries. In today’s environment more efficient farming techniques and high tech machineries are being used for producing crops every year.

Although the farming land areas are continuously decreasing and with the help of state of the art machines and latest technologies, we can achieve high yields per acre of land. For producing higher yields, the farmers has used chemical fertilizers for years for short-term benefits, however in a long term, the pesticides have made the earth miserable for fertilization.

Many agricultural research institutes are continuously working towards developing new crops every year, and these plants consume less water and resist common pests and diseases and also at the same time produce large yields.

Organic farming whether large scale or small scale is now being done in many countries across the globe. A recent study has compared convention farming and organic farming and has found organic farming much better in many ways and some of these are provided below;

(i)    Organic Farms are Profitable: Researchers have found that organic farming is almost three times profitable than the traditional farming. As profit is what a farmer is looking at, with the scope of increasing their profit substantially, farmers from across the globe are shifting to organic farming. Not only a farmer get higher prices for their products but at the same time, the lower cost of cultivation and production also help in saving money.

(ii)    Organic Farms Yields More: The study on yield also proves that the organic farms are capable of surpassing the yield from conventional or genetically modified farming. Researchers across the globe conducted studies and found that productivity is higher in the case of organic farming.

(iii)    Organic Farms can produce higher yields even in drought conditions: Many organic farms found that the crop production is greater than conventional farming even in the conditions of drought.

(iv)    Organic farming is efficient: In whole, organic farms require less fertilizers and other input than conventional or traditional farming, and that’s why these can be more efficient regarding energy consumption for total inputs and at the same time are eco-friendly.

(v)    No to toxicity: For conventional farming, farmers use various pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and many of these are toxic. The excess exposure of these on humans can cause many diseases. In organic farming, all these chemicals are not used.

rishilaugh: Thank you sir :)
Answered by Anonymous

0rganic Farming➫ A method that involves growing & nurturing crops without the use of synthetic based fertilizers and pesticides.

Ex:- Crop Rotation

♦ It is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems & people.

♦ Biological research into soil & soil organisms has proven beneficial to organic farming.

➧ Types of 0rhanic Farming are:-

[1] Pure 0rganic Farming:-

❱ It involves the use of organic manures & biopesticides with complete avoidance of inorganic chemicals & pesticides.

[2] Integrated 0rganic Farming:-

❱ It involves integrated nutrients management & integrated pest management.

➧ Advantage 0f 0rganic Farming are:-

❱ It reduced exposure to Pesticides and Chemicals.

❱ It Builds Healthy Soil.

❱ It combatting Erosion.

❱ It fight with the Effects of Global Warming.

❱ It Supports Water Conservation & Water Health.

❱ It helps in maintaining environment health by reducing the level of pollution.

❱ It reduces human & animal health hazards by reducing the level of residues in the product.

❱ It helps in keeping agricultural
production at a higher level & makes it sustainable.

➧ Principles 0f 0rganic Agricultural are:-

❱ Principles 0f Ecology
❱ Principles 0f Fairness
❱ Principles 0f Health
❱ Principles 0f Care

➧ The principal methods of 0rganic Farming include:-

❱ Crop rotation
❱ Biological pest control
❱ Mechanical Cultivation
❱ Green manures & Compost

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