101000110 2 to decimal steps also pls
For converting the number 101000110 in decimal you need to follow the steps below :-
101000110 = 326
Here is how to convert 101000110 binary to decimal:
Step 1) Note that there are 9 digits in 101000110. That means there are 9 positions - the first position is the digit furthest to the right.
Step 2) Multiply the number in the first position by 20 (=1), the second position by 21 (=2), the third position by 22 (=4) and so on. (See Table 1 for longer list.) Here is the math for the 9 digits in 101000110:
0 x 1 = 0
1 x 2 = 2
1 x 4 = 4
0 x 8 = 0
0 x 16 = 0
0 x 32 = 0
1 x 64 = 64
0 x 128 = 0
1 x 256 = 256
Step 3) Finally, add up the answers from Step 2 ) to get the answer to 101000110 binary converted to decimal:
0 + 2 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 64 + 0 + 256 = 326
Once again, the answer is as follows:
101000110 = 326 .
Converted 101000111 binary to decimal.