English, asked by ayushkumar8873, 7 months ago

11. 1 page penmanship everyday in penmanship copy from the 1st chapter of Literature books​


Answered by sdupadhyay1256


the question of Verticality or Obliquity in writing were to be decided by the considerations of Hygiene only there would be no further need of discussion. But there are various other matters which should obviously receive examination and be definitely settled ere we finally determine the kind of writing which we have to teach. In approaching this investigation it is necessary that we divest ourselves of all preconceived ideas and all personal prejudice. It is not a question of what style of writing we like best–though to hear the objections generally raised by teachers we might suppose preference and prejudice to be the only basis of judgment and decision—or even what we think best which opinions are possibly or probably based on no independent research but are rather the natural evolution of our environment.

The sole question about which we have to concern ourselves is "Which is the best? What or which is the better or best System and Style of writing? Are the down strokes to be Upright or Sloping? Shall we have Vertical or Oblique writing? If the latter what degree of slope is the best, what shall be the standard angle?"

We have already seen in Chapter I. that at present there is no agreement amongst slopers as to the preferential angle, not even a preponderance of opinion as to any one angle of obliquity, the angles in Headline Copy Books varying from 10° to 65° or even 70° from the perpendicular.

The tendency of modern thought can nevertheless be seen in the fact that the latest series of Copies slope less and less, or more nearly approach the vertical, whilst the publishers or authors base their strongest claims to public favour on this close approximation to the upright. And this is illustrated still further in the decrees of the Belgian and German Educational Cabinets which prescribe that no writing taught in the Government schools shall have a slope of more than 10° and 20° from the Vertical respectively. In order then to decide authoritatively and finally which (if either) is superior and which (if either) possesses such an excess of merit as to warrant its adoption and the ultimate condemnation and abandonment of its rival, an enquiry must be made into the very essentials or fundamentals of Good Writing.

What are the distinguishing qualities or the prime factors so to speak of a really good handwriting? In the first place it must be legible or easily read. Then it should be rapid and easily written. Moreover it must be easy to learn and easy to teach. Having already disposed of the Hygienic element we need not refer to it in this connexion at any length. The best system or style of Caligraphy then will be that which is at once the Most Legible, Most Rapid, Most Economical, and Most easy to learn, teach and produce. Of course it is taken for granted that the letters are well formed and in strict accord with the accepted principles of construction. Assuming that this definition of Good, or the Best, Writing is, if not critically the most perfect, at least generally correct and comprehensive, it is proposed to examine the two Systems on these lines and to test their individual merits by these four several standards.

First as to

Answered by JAYADADI


mark me as brilliant please






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