Chinese, asked by bubu8gulankatap0oojo, 1 year ago

язык который возник раньше других 11 букв начинается на рпомогите!за ранее спасибо!


Answered by yadavsheetal1976


Pick out the noun in the following sentence is and state their kind.

Q1. Identify the subject in the following sentences:

1-you don't have to wait for me .

2-A rich merchant was passing by the shoemakers window.

3-my younger brother serves in the arny Q1. Identify the kind of sentence:

1-please,close the door

2-What is your name?

3-I like fantasy novel.

4-That was a great match!

5-Don't shout in the class. pick out the adjective in the sentence and save what kind of adjective they are: 1-

the cars sustained heavy damage in the accident . 2- which colour do you prefer ? 3- your dress is elegant. 4- each student was allowed to borrow books from the library . 5- see me some water tells kinds of adjectiveschoose much, many,little ,A little, few ,a few to complete the sentence given below : how__________ people were at the party.synonym of word confidentiala-many


c-A little


e-a fewchoose much, many,little ,A little, few ,a few to complete the sentence given below there is __________jam in the jar.intimatepick out the adjective in the sentence and save what kind of adjective they are which colour do you prefer?c) The verb form of the word "AlternativeWrite the antonym of the word Easy.The verb form of the word "Alternative alternatei) ___________tiresome or monotonous. ( 7 letter word)Given below are phrases that points to a specific word in the passage. Guess the

wordsB) Do as directed e) Complete the following with the help of the passage above : 4

The high speed of the computers help the workers and they can

also provide to prevent___________

Computers can count the number of times

" " is used in the BibleHow will computers help bookkeepers and accountants?On the basis of your readings answer the questions that follows :Define “automation” with the help of the passage aboveName any one area where computers can be widely used?Complete the sentences using correct form of the adjective:

She _______than her sister. (Preety)Complete the sentences using correct form of the adjective: he is _______man in his village (elder).what kind of treasure do you think we can find at the bottom of the sea?

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