English, asked by thaolinhdo7707, 7 months ago

11. Even though it was clear that he was wrong, he was unwilling to _____________ and admit it.
A. take back
B. stand down
C. draw back
D. back down
12. He was ___________ of the press because they had written some terrible things about him in the past.
A. alert
B. wary
C. guarded
D. tentative
13. My friend, Tom is a ______________ man.
A. nice intelligent young
B. nice young intelligent
C. young nice intelligent
D. intelligent nice young
14. ____________ to Jim myself, I can’t really tell you why he would say such terrible things.
A. Not to be speaking
B. Because of not speaking
C. Not to have spoken
D. Not having spoken
15. As his aunt’s only beneficiary, he came _________ a fortune on her death
A. upon
B. across
C. into
D. up against
16. Proper exercise plays a significant role in the rehabilitation of patients with various back ailments. What is the opposite meaning with the underlined word?
A. recovery
B. damage
C. casting
D. relaxation
17. “How is John’s homework done?” – “__________________”
A. Quite well
B. Good
C. Well, let’s wait for a while
D. Do it yourself
18. I recently discovered that ________ money doesn’t buy as much as it used to. I’d been living in _______ dormitory for two years and hadn’t had to buy my own food for _________ whole time.
A. ϕ – a – the
B. ϕ – the – the
C. the – the – the
D. ϕ – ϕ - the
19. Every Christmas of my childhood was the same. My father ___________ late for lunch, weighed down with presents for the family.
A. would arrive
B. had arrived
C. was arriving
D. was used to arriving
20. He claimed that he was not a particularly remarkable businessman, but that he had simply had the good ___________ to be in the right place at the right time.
A. fortune
B. fate
C. destiny
D. opportunity
Help me please. Thanks!


Answered by pranshu8037

11) stand down

12) alert

13) intelligent nice young

14)not to have spoken


16)i cant see any underlined word

17) Quite well

18) the-the-the

19) was used to arrive

20) fortune

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