History, asked by aditimangrulkar7, 28 days ago

11) He repairs the machine.

(a) Transitive verb (b) De transitive (c) Intransitive verb (d) De intransitive

12) She is walking to the entrance.

(a) Finite verb (b) Modal verb (c) Non-finite verb (d) Strong verb

13) People came on road (Question tag)

(a) did they ? (b) didnt they ? (c) do they ? (d) dont they ?

14) _____________ he is blind yet he can see the nature.

(a) and (b) since (c) though (d) but

15) You can win the race.

(a) Ability (b) Permission (c) Advice (d) Certaintity

16) The Ganga is ____________ longest river.

(a) a (b) an (c) the (d) no article


Answered by rabin27


16) the

15) Ability

14) Though

13) didn't they?

12) finite verb

11) transitive verb

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