11.Translate into English,
एक बार एक नवयुवक ने सकरात सेसफलता का रहस्यपूसा सुकरातननायक
अगली सुबह बुलाया। अगली सुबह अब वह व
ह यवक सुकरात से मिला तो वे उसे नही।
किनारे ले गये। वे उस युवक के साथ गहरे पानाम
भी पानी में चले गये। उन्होने इस युवक का सिर
पकड़कर पानी में वोटिया जब युवक छटपटाने लगा और उसका शरीर नीला
लगा, तो सुकरात ने उसका शरीर पानी से बाहर निकला। युवक ने गहरी साँस ली।
Once a young man secretly succeeds with success
Called the next morning. The next morning now he
He never met Socrates if he did.
Took the edge They have deep friends with that young man
They also went into the water. They head this young man
Grabbed in the water, when the young man started splashing and his body blue
If felt, Socrates got his body out of the water. The young man took a deep breath.
Good morning!!
Once a young man secretly succeeds with success Called the next morning. The next morning now he He never met Socrates if he did. Took the edge They have deep friends with that young man They also went into the water. They head this young man Grabbed in the water, when the young man started splashing and his body blue If felt, Socrates got his body out of the water. The young man took a deep breath.
Hope it helps you