English, asked by smsyadav404, 2 months ago

11. Translate into English.
प्रातःकाल टहलना स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है। प्रातःकालीन शुरू हवा
न केवल फेफड़ों को शुद्ध करती है अपितु हमें नवजीवन प्रदान करती है। हमारा
मन भी प्रफुल्लित हो जाता है। यही कारण है कि मैं नित्य प्रति नियमित रूप से
टहलने जाता हूँ। कुछ लोग देर तक विस्तर पर पड़े रहते हैं। यह एक बुरी आदत
है। हम सबको इससे बचना चाहिए। देर तक सोने के कारण हमार शरीर
शिथिल हो जाता है और दिन भर आलस्य घेरे रहता है। हमारे बुजुर्ग लोग
अक्सर कहा करते है कि "जो जल्दी सोता है और जल्दी उठता है वह कभी
बिमार नहीं पड़ता है।"
nyone in about 200 words.​


Answered by Anonymous


Morning walk is very beneficial for health. early morning wind

It not only purifies the lungs but also gives us new life.

The mind also becomes happy. That's why I regularly copy

I go for a walk Some people lie in bed for a long time. it's a bad habit

is. We all should avoid this. Our body due to sleeping for a long time

becomes sluggish and laziness surrounds the whole day. our elderly people

It is often said that "He who sleeps early and gets up early is never

Doesn't get sick."

hope \: it \: helps \: you

Answered by XXIAMOPXX



Morning walk is very beneficial for health. early morning wind

It not only purifies the lungs but also gives us new life.

The mind also becomes happy. That's why I regularly copy

I go for a walk Some people lie in bed for a long time. it's a bad habit.

We all should avoid this. Our body due to sleeping for a long time.

Becomes sluggish and laziness surrounds the whole day. our elderly people.

It is often said that "He who sleeps early and gets up early is never.

Doesn't get sick."

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