Social Sciences, asked by swastika6261, 4 months ago

What was the immediate cause of the


Answered by acutexeng1


The immediate cause of the Indian Revolt of 1857 was a seemingly minor change in

the weapons used by the British East India Company's troops. The East India

Company upgraded to the new Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle, which used greased paper

cartridges. In order to open the cartridges and load the rifles, sepoys had to bite

into the paper and tear it with their teeth.

Rumors began in 1856 that the grease on the cartridges was made of a mixture of

beef and pork lard; eating cows, of course, is forbidden in Hinduism, while

consumption of pork is forbidden in Islam. Thus, in this one small change, the

British had managed to seriously offend both Hindu and Muslim troops.

The revolt started in Meerut, which was the first area to receive the new weapons.

The British manufacturers soon changed the cartridges in an attempt to calm the

spreading anger among the sepoys, but this move backfired as well - the fact that

they stopped greasing the cartridges only confirmed the rumors about cow and pig

fat, in the sepoys' minds.

Causes of Spreading Unrest:

Of course, as the Indian Revolt spread, it took on additional causes of discontent

among both sepoy troops and civilians of all castes. Princely families joined the

uprising due to British changes to the inheritance law, making adopted children

ineligible for their thrones. This was an attempt to control succession in many of

the princely states that were nominally independent from the British. Large landholders in northern India also rose up, since the British East India had confiscated

land and redistributed it to the peasantry. Peasants were none too happy, either,

though - they joined the revolt to protest heavy land taxes imposed by the British.

Religion also prompted some Indians to join the mutiny. The East India Company

forbade certain religious practices and traditions, including sati or widow-burning,

to the outrage of many Hindus. The company also tried to undermine the caste

system, which seemed inherently unfair to post-Enlightenment British

sensibilities. In addition, British officers and missionaries began to preach

Christianity to the Hindu and Muslim sepoys. The Indians believed, quite

reasonably, that their religions were under attack by the East India Company.

Finally, Indians regardless of class, caste or religion felt oppressed and

disrespected by the agents of the British East India Company. Company officials

who abused or even murdered Indians were seldom punished properly; even if they

were tried, they were rarely convicted, and those who were could appeal almost

indefinitely. A general sense of racial superiority among the British fueled Indian

anger across the country.

End of the Rebellion and Aftermath:

The Indian Revolt of 1857 lasted until June of 1858. In August, the Government of

India Act of 1858 dissolved the British East India Company. The British

government took direct control of the half of India formerly under the company,

with various princes still in nominal control of the other half. Queen

Victoria became the Empress of India.

The last Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was blamed for the revolt

(although he played little role in it). The British government sent him into exile in

Rangoon, Burma. The Indian army also saw huge changes after the revolt. Instead

of relying heavily on Bengali troops from the Punjab, the British began to recruit

soldiers from the "martial races" - those peoples considered particularly warlike,

such as the Gurkhas and the Sikhs.

Unfortunately, the Indian Revolt of 1857 did not result in freedom for India. In

many ways, Britain reacted by taking firmer control of the "crown jewel" of its

empire. It would be another ninety years before India (and Pakistan) gained their


Answered by harrpunniyakotti3


The immediate cause of the IndianRevolt of 1857 was a seemingly minor change in the weapons used by the British East India Company's troops. The East India Company upgraded to the new Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle, which used greased paper cartridges.

the main causes are..

Pathetic Socioeconomic Condition

Problems of Land Revenue

Destruction of Economy

Low position of Indians in Administration

Doctrine of Lapse

Ill-treatment with Bahadur Shah Zafar

Annexation of Oudh

Biased Police and Judiciary

Christian Missionaries


Discrimination with Sepoys

The immediate result of the mutiny was a general housecleaning of the Indian administration. The East India Company was abolished in favour of the direct rule of India by the British government.

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