Chemistry, asked by waleedanjum2008, 7 months ago

11. Which one is incorrect about neutron *
(1 Point)
O 1.2Mev energy is called fast neutron
Can eject proton from paraffins
Highly penetrating
Produce ionization


Answered by shakingChloe


The Brahmaputra River Basin consists of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, which originates in Tibet and the Barak River starting in India. ... The river basin is a wide land area made up of parts of India, Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The Brahmaputra River flows for 1,800 miles through Tibet, India, and Bangladesh.

Answered by llWuXuKunll


Let's take the argument of the function i.e, kx−ωt. The argument of the function should remain constant,(equivalently the phase must remain constant)for a particular section of the wave.


where λ is a constant. Differentiating both sides we get,


which is positive, thus this represents a wave travelling in positive direction. Similarly for the wave travelling in negative direction.

This can be illustrated by plotting also, the blue wave represents wave at t=0 and the orange wave represents wave at a later time, As you can see, the wave has moved in left direction for the first figure for the equation y=asin(kx+ωt) and in the right for the second i.e for y=asin(kx−ωt) case.Consider the blue wave below at some x, now if you want to make the wave move, then you need the same y at some other x and t, thus for the first case,it happens when x becomes less positive, or moves to the left, implying that the wave has traveled in negative direction.wave travelling in the negative directionwave travelling in the positive direction

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