Math, asked by pratikmalpote2753, 2 months ago

111. In trend line y = 1.6+ 1.3x , Y-intercept is _______.

a) 1.6

b) 3.9

c) 1.3

d) 3.68

112. If the straight line trend is y= 5 + 3x then estimate of y when x is 9 is

a) 8

b) 32

c) 21

d) 15

113. The price index numbers measure the general changes in the _____of goods with

reference to a particular period

a) Quantity

b) Price

c) Value

d) Quality

114. The quantity index numbers measure the changes in the ______of goods

produced, consumed, sold or purchased, etc. with reference to the particular time.

a) Quantity

b) Price

c) Value

d) Quality

115. The value index number combines _____and quantity changes to present a more

spatial comparison.

a) Price

b) Quality

c) Width

d) Length

116. If sum of p1 =58.5 and sum of p0 =21 then Index number I=____

a) 279.04

b) 270.06

c) 290.54

d) 250.25

117. If sum of p1 =2880 and sum of p0 =1308 then Index number I=____

a) 259.35

b) 220.18

c) 221.25

d) 225.56

118. If Ʃp1q0=154 and Ʃp0q0=100 then Laspeyres price Index Number is____

a) 154.5454b) 154.00

c) 154.27

d) 154.2727

119. If Ʃp1q1=187 and Ʃp0q1=121 then Paasche’s Index Number price Index Number


a) 154.5454

b) 154.00

c) 154.27

d) 154.2727

120. If IL=154 and IP= 154.5454 then Fisher’s index number is ___

a) 154.5454

b) 154.00

c) 154.27

d) 154.2727

121. If IL=147.12 and IP= 147.70 then Fisher’s index number is ___

a) 147.4

b) 147.41

c) 151.17

d) 147.12

122. If IL=154 and IP= 154.5454 then Dorbish Bowley index number is ___

a) 154.2727

b) 154.00

c) 154.27

d) 154.2727

123. If Ʃp1w= 5370 and Ʃp0w=2590 then Weighted aggregative Index number is__

a) 207.335

b) 263.46

c) 250.2

d) 225.25

124. If Ʃiw =26346.07 and Ʃw=100 then weighted average of price relatives Index

number is ____

a) 207.335

b) 263.46

c) 250.2

d) 225.25

125. If n = 5 , y = 30 , x


= 42 and xy = 28 , straight line trend is_______.

a) y = 6 + 28x

b) y = 6 + 0.58x

c) y = 5 + 0.67x

d) y = 5 + 42x126. For a given product demand, time series trend line is y = 25.3 + 2.1x, what will be

the forecast of demand for period 5?

a) 27.4

b) 40

c) 35.8

d) 27

127. Let X follows Binomial distribution with n=10 and p=0.4, then


a) 4

b) 6.4

c) 2.4

d) 1.6

128. Let E(X)=6 and V(X) =4.2, then n+p=________

a) 20.3

b) 20.7

c) 19.3

d) 19.7

129. A fair coin is tossed 8 times, then probability that it shows exactly 5 heads is _________

a) 5/32

b) 7/32

c) 9/32

d) 11/32

130. A fair coin is tossed 8 times, then probability that it shows heads at least once is


a) 1/256

b) 56/256

c) 93/256

d) 255/256

131. A fair coin is tossed 8 times , then probability that it shows heads more number of times

than tails is________

a) 7/32

b) 93/256

c) 255/256

d) 56/256

132.If X follows Binomial distribution with n=10 and E(X)=5, then Var(X)= ________

a) 2

b) 2.5

c) 3

d) 3.5133. In a Binomial distribution with n=4 and 2*P(X=3)= 3*P(X=2), then value of


a) 9/13

b) 4/13

c) 6/13

d) 7/13

134.If mean of a Binomial distribution is 18 and variance is 12, then n=__________

a) 50

b) 52

c) 54

d) 55

135.In a simultaneous toss of four coins, what is probability of getting exactly three heads

a) 1 /2

b) 1 /3

c) 1 /4

d) 1 /5

136. The probability that India wins a cricket test match against England is 1 /3. If India and

England play 3 matches, the probability that India will win at least one match is ______

a) 8/27

b) 19/27

c) 1/27

d) 9/27

137. The probability of getting at least two heads when tossing a coin three times is _______

a) 1 /4

b) 1 /3

c) 1 /2

d) 1 /8

138. The mean of Binomial distribution is 6 and its standard deviation is square root of 2,

then the number of trials n is _______

a) 7

b) 8

c) 9

d) 10

139. A Binomial distribution has a mean of 5 and variance 4. The number of trials is _______

a) 10

b) 15

c) 20

d) 25

140. A fair coin is tossed 10 times, probability of getting exactly six heads is _______

a) 105/512b) 196/512

c) 424/512

d) 106/512

141. The probability that a bomb will hit a target is 0.8. The probability that out of 10 bombs

dropped, exactly 4 will hit the target is _______

a) 10C4 *34


b) 10C4 *44


c) 10C4 *54


d) 10C4 *64


142. In a Poisson distribution, if n is number of trials and p is probability of success, the

mean value is given by _____

a) m =n(p-1)

b) m =np


c) m = p

d) m=np

143.If mean of Poisson distribution is M, then variance is given by_____

a) M


b) M

c) M/2

d) M(M-1)

144. If m is a mean of Poisson distribution then P(X=0) is given by_______

a) e


b) e


c) e

d) m



Answered by kukusaini74510




114) Price

115) Quality







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