111. Saprophyti
prophytic plan
i. Parasitic plants ii. Symbiotic plants
8. What are insectivorous plants? Give two examples.
9. With the help of an example, explain how insectivorous plants trar
10. Describe two ways in which nitrogen can be added back into the soil
is plants trap insects.
Think and Answer
1. What will happen if we add iodine to a green leaf without removing chlorophulle
(Hint: Will we be able to see the colour change?)
2. Will a green leaf continue to photosynthesize if we coat the leaf with oil?
(Hint: How does oil affect the stomata?)
3. If there were only green plants and no animals on Earth, what would happen to th
level in the atmosphere?
(Hint: Recall the conditions necessary for photosynthesis.)
Subiect Enrichment
Answered by
Those who depends upon s
dead and decaying matter is known as saprohytic.
- Those who depends upon their host for food And nutrition is known as Parasitic plants.
- The plants which depends upon others for food, shelter and etc is known as symbiotic plants
- The plants which eats insects by trapping it in his stomach and digestion it by secreting digestive juices is known as Insectivirous plants..
- example of insectivirous is Pitcher plant
Answered by
8. plants which feed on insect is known as insectivorous plants. ex: pitcher plant & venus flytrap
9. insectivorous plants have a modified leaf with a lid . when insects sit on such leaf the lid get closed and insects get trapped
10. the first way is by adding fertilisers & second one is by growing leguminous plants on the field
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