11th ka business study ka syllabus
CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies
Part A: Foundation of Business
Unit 1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business
1) History of Trade and Commerce in India: Indigenous Banking System, Rise of Intermediaries, Transport, Trading Communities: Merchant Corporations, Major Trade Centres, Major Imports and Exports, Position of Indian Sub-Continent in the World Economy.
2) Business – meaning and characteristics
3) Business, profession and employment Concept
4) Objectives of business
5) Classification of business activities – Industry and Commerce
6) Industry-types: primary, secondary, tertiary Meaning and subgroups
7) Commerce-trade: (types-internal, external; wholesale and retail) and auxiliaries to trade; (banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, and advertising) – meaning
8) Business risk-Concept