English, asked by tanyakullu407, 3 months ago

11th NCERT book
poem 1st
a photograph
•All there stood still to smile
through their hair
at the uncle with the camera.
a sweet face,
my mother's ,that was before I was born.
and the sea ,which appears to have changed less .
was their terribly transient feet.
Q1:- who do the words 'all three' refer to?
Q2:- why do you think they stood still?
Q3:-who were they smiling at?
Q4:-what was the uncle doing?
Q5:- what pictures do the words 'smiling through their hair' bring to your mind?
Q6:- what does the poet say about the mother?
Q7:- what comparison has been made in this lines??
Q8:- explain:- washed their terribly transient feet??


Answered by o0itzurking0o


These desert plants are from North America. They have a swollen trunk that stores a lot of water. They have thin and long leaves that help them to reduce the loss of moisture.

Answered by shubhamvpatil3


"hair" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

Search Results

https://www.iitianacademy.com › nc...

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem Chapter 1 A Photograph - IITianAcademy

And she the big girl – some twelve years or so. All three stood still to smile through their hair. At the uncle with the camera, A sweet face. My mother's ...

https://brainly.in › question

WORKSHEET-A PHOTOGRAPHS:Read the following extracts and answer the following queAll three stood still - Brainly.in

26-Jul-2019 · 1 answer

Washed their terribly transient feet. QUESTIONS: 1. Who are all three? 2. Why did all three stand and smile? 3. What does the phrase ' ...

Missing: Q4 ‎Q5

https://brainly.in › question

All three stood still to smile through their hair at the uncle with the camera. A sweet face My - Brainly.in

14-Jun-2019 · 2 answers

A sweet face My Mothers that was before I was born. a) what does all three refer to here b) where are they

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