12. Epimycium of mucles are made up of
White fibrous connective tissue
(2) Adipose connective tissue
03) Reticular connective tissue
(4) Areolar connective tissue
13. ATP-ase activity found in
(Myosin filament (2) Actin filament
(3) Both
(4) None
14. Total number of muscles in our body is
(1) 256 muscles 12) 639 muscles
(3) 400 muscles (4) 421 muscles
15. Cardiac muscles fibres are
(1) Involuntary (2) Non-fatigue
(3) Striated like 4) All of these
16. Belly is
(1) Upper part of muscle
(2) Middle part of muscle
(3) Lower part of muscle
(4) None of these
17. Smooth muscles fibres are
(1) Spindle shaped
(2) Unbranched and Involuntary
(3) Uninucleated
( All of these
Chamical ions responsible for muscles contraction
(1) Ca& K (2) Nat & K
(3) Na
041 Cat & Mg** lons
The muscle fatigue occurs due to accumulation of
(1) CO2
(2) Lactic acid
(3) Creatine phosphate
(4) Myosin ATPase
20. In a muscle fibre Cat is stored in
(1) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
(2) Sarcosom
(3) Sarcomere
(4) Sarcolemma
21. In a resting state, the central part of thick filament
which is not overlappled by thin filament is called
(1) A-band (2) M-line
B) H-zone (4) I-band
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12) reticular
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Answer:12. Epimycium of mucles are made up of
answer White fibrous connective tissue
ATP-ase activity found in Myosin filament
14. Total number of muscles in our body is
(1) 256 muscles
15. Cardiac muscles fibres are All of these
16. Belly is None of these
17. Smooth muscles fibres are All of these
Chamical ions responsible for muscles contraction Ca+ & Mg** lons
The muscle fatigue occurs due to accumulation of Lactic acid
In a muscle fibre Cat is stored in Sarcoplasmic reticulum
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