English, asked by sitarunnishakhan123, 8 months ago

12) Give a brief idea of the activities of the bird as described by Emily Dickinson.
13) How does Dr. Gieve Patel describe the difficulties of cutting down the tree?​


Answered by bhanurajesh100


the formula for nth term of an AP is 3 by the government and is it possible to use the word of the vehicle to the rear of the

Answered by pachauriyashika

Hey, here is your answer!!!


  • the speaker begins by describing the simple, yet beautiful movements of a bird. This particular bird is coming “down the Walk.” This is likely sidewalk or path of some kind near the speaker’s home, or where she is situated.It finds a worm, noted here as an “Angle Worm,” and eats it raw, biting it in half.
  • The next thing the speaker sees is the bird drinking the “Dew” from the grass. It doesn’t have to go anywhere else to find water, making the “Dew” and “Grass” “convenient.”While the two creatures might be simple to human eyes, the bird makes a conscious effort to “hop” to the side and “let” the beetle crawl past. The bird is very aware of its world.
  • It is clear that the speaker is truly watching this creature and taking sound mental notes on what it is doing. She notices its inherent anxiety. No matter what it’s doing it looks around “with rapid eyes.” They move quickly, “all abroad,” trying to see everything at once. It is very on edge and aware of the variety of dangers it might face. the bird’s eyes appear like “frightened Beads.” They are shiny, probably black, and moving or rolling around easily. The bird becomes scared of the speaker and “stir[s]” its “Velvet Head.”

13) It is not easy to kill a tree. The tree is not killed by simple cut. It takes a lot of hardwork to kill a tree. The scorching and chocking of the roots. In sun and air, Browning,hardening, twisting, withering and then it is done.

Hope it helps u!!!

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