12. The river originated from the Har-ki-dun
glacier in West Garhwal is
(A) Ganga (B) Yamuna
(C) Godavari (D) Saraswati
The river which originates from Har-ki-dun glacier near Garhwal district is option b) Yamuna.
Although, Yamuna originates from Yamunotri glacier of Banderpooch peaks lying in the Lower Himalayas, but a tributary of Yamuna called Tons river originates from Har-ki-dun glacier.
Near Doon valley, Tons river joins Yamuna and it is the largest perennial tributary of Yamuna.
A town called Kalsi near Doon valley is the meeting point of these two rivers.
Tons river originates form the Har-ki-dun glacier.
Tons River which is the largest tributary of the River Yamuna originates in Har-ki-dun. This river carries water in its stream which is way more than the main stream of River Yamuna.
Tons River merges withe Yamuna River near a place called Kalsi in Dehradun. Tons river is the only major perennial river among the rivers that originates from the Himalayas.
Pabbar river is the tributary of tons river.