Economy, asked by Rakshit31052007, 3 months ago

12. What are the different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land? Use examples or explain. 13. Explain any 3 differences between Physical and human capital.
14. what factors have led to the reduction of water level in Palampur?
15. what are the four methods of farming which heralded the green revolution? Write down one harmful effect of Green revolution.
16. how are farmers in Palampur able to grow different crops in a year? explain in 5 points.
17. how gas electricity became the base of all economic and non-economic activities in rural india?
18. explain the role of infrastructure for the development of the rural economy with reference to village palampur. 19. the government must develop more production activities to enhance employment opportunities in villages. Mention five such suitable activities and give reasons for each.​


Answered by aayushozah


Q12 Ans Multiple cropping and the use of modern farming methods are the two common ways of increasing production on the same piece of land. Multiple cropping involves growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the year. For example, farmers in the western parts of Uttar Pradesh practise multiple cropping. During the rainy season (kharif), they grow jowar and bajra. These plants are used as cattle feed. It is followed by the cultivation of potato between October and December. In the winter season (rabi), fields are sown with wheat.Modern farming methods involve the use of high-yielding variety seeds, irrigation, and chemical fertilisers and pesticides to produce maximum output from the same piece of land.The high-yielding varieties of seeds produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant than the traditional varieties. As a result, far larger quantities of food grains can be produced from the same piece of land.

Q13 Ans Physical capital

1. Physical capital implies the non-human assets of the company, such as plant and machinery, tools and equipment, office supplies etc. that help in the process of production.

2. Economic and technical process. 

3. It can be traded in the market. 

Human capital

1. Human capital refers to stock of knowledge, talent, skills and abilities brought in by the employee, to the organization

2. Social process and conscious decision of the possessor.

3. Only the services of human capital can be sold.

Q14 Ans 1.Continuous use of groundwater for tubewell irrigation has reduced the water table below the ground.

2.While environmental resources like soil fertility and groundwater are built-up over many years. So, once destroyed, it is very difficult to restore them.

3.Misuse of groundwater is another important factor for lowering of water table.

Q15 Ans 1.Formation of tube wells for irrigation which efficiently contributed to the supply of water.

2.Introduction of heavy seeds which could corp with the region.

3.Introduction of farm machineries like tractors and threshers hence enhance faster ploughing and harvesting.

4. Introduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farming which easen the control of pests

Q16 Ans People in Palampur are able to grow different crops because

1.Well-developed system of irrigation.

2.Electricity came early to Palampur.

3.Introduction of multiple cropping.

4. Modern farming methods.

5.Green Revolution introduced HYV seeds.

Q17 Ans Electricity is the base of all economic and non-economic activities in rural areas as.. electricity provides power to the machines so that they can work in economic and non-economic activities. Electricity provides light so that people can see during work and no problem can occur.In economic activities water is needed electricity provides power to water pumps.

Q18 Ans 1.  Infrastructure provides support services in the main areas of industrial and agricultural production.

2. These services include electricity, roads, railways, ports, dams, telecommunication facilities, hospitals, schools and colleges 3.Infrastructure is the support system on which depends in the efficient working of modern indrustrial economy.

4. Mordern agriculture also largely depends on it for speedy and large-scale transport of seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and the products of making modern roadways, railways and shipping facilities

Q19 Ans Non farming activities can include various ventures like handicrafts, household as well as non household small-scaling, manufacturing, construction, mining, quarrying, repair, transport,community service etc.

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